Happy Fall!
  Wednesday, 11 October 2006

We had a pretty busy weekend! Saturday we did the Memory Walk, Sunday we took Kaili out on the boat and on Monday evening we took the girls to a local pumpkin patch! The weather on Monday was actually nice enough that we could open our windows up all day and turn off the air! Since the pumpkin patch is pretty close to the house, we took the girls on a long walk up there and enjoyed the evening.

Alana will be 3 months old this week! I can't believe it! She's growing like crazy! Kaili is still going to pre-school 5 days a week and she's really loving it! She is learning so much there!

The girls are going to be Bumble Bees for Halloween! We have a lot going on this month so keep checking back for tons more pictures!! :)

  Pictures from the Memory Walk at Lake Eola!
  Pictures from boating on the Clermont chain!
  Pictures from the pumpkin patch!
  Pictures of Alana!
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