Memory Walk 2006
On Saturday we participated in the Memory Walk for Alzheimer's. Wayne & I created a team this year - Team Cochran - and we collected around $600 in donations. Thank you to everyone who donated and/or walked with us! It means a lot!!! :)
Kaili and her cousin Joey sporting their sunglasses!
I'm so cool!
Kaili with Nana & Papa
Alana sleeping in her stroller.
Kaili with her cousins Joey, Dominick and Dante
Wayne, Chelle & Kaili
Kaili with Papa and Wayne with Alana
Team Cochran!
Kaili and her cousin Jessica
Pushing the stroller! Alana wasn't in it! ;)
Daddy's girl! First time eating BBQ ribs!
She likes them!
Anyone have a napkin?