We are still alive! I promise! ;)
  Monday, 09 March 2009

Hi everybody! I feel SO bad that I havent updated this site in just over 2 months. Things have been so crazy around here now with three kids! I also started bac k to work a few weeks ago. Maternity leave was nice, but the 8 weeks I was off just FLEW by!! I am adding a bunch of photos for you all to see of the past 2 months! Little Wayne is doing great! He's just completely adorable! Kaili, Alana & I talk about how cute we think he is all of the time. I think they would just sit around and squeeze him all day long if we let them! They love him to pieces. He started smiling recently and the girls LIGHT up if they can make him do that! Overall we are adjusting really well. I can barely remember how it was before he was part of our family. He fits right in! :) I hope you enjoy the pictures I'm posting and I hope you will check back regularly now! I plan to start updating a lot more now that we're settling into a regular routine again! :)

And here are a bunch of pictures below of his second month and what we've been up to lately! He is now 10 weeks old and 13 lbs! He's 23 1/2" long and above the 50th percentile for his height & weight!
We took the kids to the T-Rex Cafe out at Downtown Disney last weekend. It's the same idea as the Rainforest Cafe, except with dinosaurs. It was awesome! We had a great time and the girls really loved it! Little Wayne just chilled in his carseat looking all around (sometimes withreally wide eyes! haha!)
Wayne checking out my big ole dinoasaur beer! ;)
The bar at the restaurant was really cool inside - the ceiling is the underside of an octopus!
I love these jellyfish lights in the bar!
After we ate, we walked around Downtown Disney...
She's so cool ;)
Me, riding the carousel w/ the girls
Little Wayne hanging out with Daddy while the girls rode the carousel
Yesterday we spent the later part of the afternoon and early evening outside. I love this time of year when the time changes because we can actually enjoy the sunshine after Wayne gets home from work - it's normally dark by the time he gets home during the Fall/Winter time so it's SUCH a nice change to enjoy the backyard in the evenings now. Now getting up in the mornings with the time change is a different story... ;)
And here are some pics of our bamboo! Visit www.Too2Bamboo.com for my parents bamboo business! Go buy some! Be Green! ;)
Our Old Hami (one of my faves)
Alana watering the Angel Mist - it didnt do too well during the freeze(s) we had :(
Alana watering our newest bamboo species before Wayne planted it. Black Bamboo!
Kaili standing in between the 2 Old Hamiis
Kaili pointing at a new shoot on the Gracillis :)
Our neighbor has a tye-dye business. She made Little Wayne a baby set and I took some pictures for her to see him all dressed up!
Little *hippie* Wayne :)
Babies make the silliest faces, dont they?? *wink wink*
Playing with his tongue making bubbles - haha!
Outfit your little crew today!