Wayne III is here!
Born 12.30.08 @ 7:15am
9 lbs, 21.5 inches long
Beautiful! :)
I think the nurse hit a button on the camera that switched the mode because these photos from the OR are really blurry. :( But I still have to share!!
BIG BOY!! They rounded him up to 9lbs!
Excited big sisters!!
After surgery, Kaili & Mommy
The girls love him :)
Proud Grandpa! ;) Alana was eating pretzels, lol
PopPop - VERY excited to have a great-grandSON now! :)
Little Man :)
Only a few hours old! (Mommy was still drugged up from surgery, lol)
Waiting for his hospital pictures to be taken :)
Wayne & his baby boy :)
Snuggled up
Happy New Year! The nurses all LOVED his little outfit ~ a tuxedo onesie! ;) They said he was a big hit in the nursery!
Home from the hospital (phone pic in the dark, didnt come out well...)
Hard to read here - but both entrances to our neighborhood have signs announcing Wayne III's arrival! :)
At home ~ finally opening his eyes a lot more! :) (Phone pics)
In his crib...
First doctor appt at 4 days old!
Daddy at the doctor appt - always working!
Getting ready for his first spongebath at home!
Not sure about it...
You know this made my day!! He found his thumb!! I just LOVE this! Daddy, not so much! ;)
All clean and snuggled up in a towel!
At home ~ meeting Uncle Jon! :)