Easter Morning & Maitland Egg Hunt
  Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Kaili & I have a tradition of making carrot-cake cupcakes for the Easter Bunny. You know, you leave cookies for Santa, right? We figured the Easter Bunny enjoys a nice carrot-cake cupcake w/ cream cheese frosting over a plain ole' carrot when he visits our house! ;) So the day before Easter Kaili and I made these together...
All the goodies the Easter Bunny left...
Notice how everything has to be the SAME now with these 2 girls?
Running out to see what the Easter Bunny left for them... (even the dogs ran out there! hee hee!)
Looks like the Easter Bunny LOVED his cupcake!
Checking out their stuff!!!
*sigh* Always a little sibling rivalry in the mix at our house! (Kaili took the bowl from Alana)

Alana ~ enjoying her first "Peep" (at 7 in the morning! HA!) Her shirt says it all, dont you think?

The day before Easter my mom and Elizabeth took the girls to the Maitland Easter Egg Hunt. Then they had lunch at McDonald's, ice cream and a little trip to the Dollar Store to pick out their own fun stuff. Kaili loves shopping so she thought that was really cool!! ;) Here are some photos they took for me while they were egg hunting (Wayne & I stayed home to get the house ready for our annual Easter BBQ which was the next day)
Alana and her silly expressions!
My mom said Kaili kept asking why this Easter Bunny looked different from the Easter Bunny we saw the day before at the store. (I posted those pictures yesterday, click here)... She also asked my mom why this Easter Bunny had regular sneakers on! LOL! You can see his sneakers in this photo below
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