Easter Bunny...
  Monday, 24 March 2008

I took off work on Good Friday since Kaili's preschool was closed. We needed things for our annual Easter BBQ w/ our familes and Wayne had to work, so I decided to brave Super Walmart on my own with both girls. Suprisingly we survived - and we were there almost 3 hours!!

Not long after we got there they made an announcement over the store that the Easter Bunny had shown up and he was taking photos and handing out candy at the photo lab. Of course, Kaili heard the announcement and immediately wanted to find the Easter Bunny. We walked over there (I expected to see a line) but there was only one child there ahead of us! Kaili was SO excited. She talked to the bunny and got her picture taken, then I put Alana on his lap for a photo and she just kind of sat there looking around (I dont think she wanted to actually *look* at the bunny!) Then the lady told me to jump in and she'd take a picture of me w/ the girls and the Easter Bunny. ;)

We did all of our shopping and before checking out we walked over to see if our photos were ready. The lady printed off a couple copies of each pose for us! I thought that was really nice of her. They were free too! So here we are with a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny. After we saw him Kaili asked me if Santa Claus or God might be at the store to visit with too! HA HA! I had to explain all of that to her while we finished shopping!

Kaili and the Easter Bunny! She told him a few times that she loved him! I think she was sucking up for some good candy! ;)
Kaili & Alana with the Easter Bunny (she was looking at the lady's hand in the air above the camera)
Mommy and the girls w/ the Easter Bunny... see how Alana kept looking everywhere?
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