Annual Tree Pics!
  Thursday, 27 December 2007
Every year since our oldest kids were born, our friends the Desabrais' and the Greeniers have come over and we've taken pics of the kids in front of the tree. It's fun to see how much they've grown each year and it's even more fun when a new child is added to the mix! ;) I wonder if we'll be up to 6 by next year! ;) We've been blessed to have such wonderful friends in our life and it's even better when the kids all love each other too! :) I can't believe we've all shared FIVE Christmas seasons together! It's amazing how fast time goes by these days!
Kaili, Drew & Ashlyn (at about a month and a half old)
Kaili, Drew & Ashlyn just over a year old. It was HARD to keep those busy 1 year olds sitting in the same place that year! ha ha!
In 2005 Ryan was added to the group! :)
Then in 2006 Alana was added (she was sleeping! haha)
And here we are in 2007! Look how much they've grown!!!! (Alana is saying "cheeeeeese")
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