Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer!
  Thursday, 20 December 2007
Kaili's school had their Christmas program tonight! Her class sang "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" and "There was a little baby, oh my Lord!" It was so cute! She did a great job and sang her little heart out! :) The place was packed so I didnt get any great photos. But here are some still shots from the video! She really got into it!
All of the classes together!
Alana before the show started...
Kaili saw me sitting at the end of our row so she kept turning around and waving at me from her seat while the other classes performed. ;)
Mommy, Daddy & the STAR after the show! :)
Getting ready to go home (and still wearing her red nose!)
And this was from today. I just had to add it. We gave Alana some meatballs while Kaili & I hung up Christmas cards. I think it took her less than 5 minutes to make THIS big mess. Kaili actually took this picture with my little Sony camera and Alana thought it was VERY funny smooshing meatballs in her hair. No, the coloring isnt weird in this photo. Yes, she was actually orange! HAHA!
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