Kaili turned FOUR!
  Friday, 07 December 2007
We've been so busy that I havent had time to put pics up from her birthday! We had our family over and some of Kaili's best friends and tried to keep it a little more simple than the last few years. We did rent a bounce house though because she loves them so much and that was her "big" gift from us this year! ;) She got plenty of goodies from everyone though! :)
A cake that my mom made for her (Kaili wanted an Ariel cake)
She had a soccer game on her actual birthday and she scored a goal! YAY! PopPop & Janice came to see her play!
We took the girls to WDW on that Monday and Kaili celebrated with Mickey and friends! :)
She loved the castle getting covered in ice (lights)
Alana watching the fireworks!
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