HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAILI BABY! (and an update on her UTI)
  Saturday, 11 November 2006

Our little girl is 3 years old now!!! We celebrated by having a big "Pirate and Mermaid" Party with 2 of her little friends who were also turning 3 at the same time!


Here she is opening a present when she woke up on her birthday! She LOVES Ariel, The Little Mermaid. :)

Click the picture below for photos of the big 3rd birthday party!!!!!
  I also wanted to add some pictures of Kaili last month when she was admitted to Arnold Palmer overnight to treat a UTI. She had her first UTI which was discovered after she had a night of high fevers (up to 104.7º) and a bunch of throwing up. Her pediatrician saw her the next morning and had us sent to Arnold Palmer for bloodwork and an ultrasound. She had to have an IV put in, which was NOT fun for any of us. She was pretty out of it while we were there as you'll see in the pictures. She was put on antibiotics and sent home the next morning. Her ultrasound showed normal. But the next step was having a VCUG to rule out kidney reflux. We had the VCUG test done which was another nightmare for Kaili. Basically they put in a catheter, inject some dye and take xrays as the dye passes through her system After this test they told us she DOES have kidney reflux, but a mild grade 2. The good news is that her kidney reflux is treatable with antibiotics and she'll most likely grow out of it by school age. The higher grades, like 4 & 5 usually require surgery. So we're thankful hers is mild. We followed up with a pediatric nephrologist, he was SO nice. We go back to see him in May.
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