Random things...
  Saturday, 13 October 2007
Memory Walk 2007 ~ Kaili playing with a balloon
Our team! I was taking the picture and Alana is hiding behind the ballon, lol
Home Depot Kids Workshop Day ~ Kaili feeding "Gus" the camel
They told Kaili she had to sign in before building her project! Didn't she do a great job??
Building the truck... She loved using the hammer!!
Look at that determination! ;)
Proud of her truck! (I dont know who she's looking at!)
The finished truck! She did a great job, didnt she?
Lunch ~ Alana wants to be a big girl like her sister. ;)
And finally, Kaili & I made glue ghosts. She loves them! Elizabeth gave us the idea.
We just made ghosts out of Elmer's glue on foil. Then we used a hole punch on some black construction paper and punched a bunch of holes. We used them for the eyes and mouths of the ghosts. Then you let them dry and VOILA! :) Cute and easy!
(She gave this one 3 eyes)
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