New Alana pictures and a trip to Sea World!
  Wednesday, 27 September 2006
Playing on Daddy's tummy
Check out her little mohawk!
In her bouncy seat
Outside at Epa's birthday party
Alana found her thumb!
Alana & Epa
Kaili & Epa (she's eating yellow icing off of her cupcake!)
Wayne @ the luncheon
Chad & Angela
Chad & Kaili
Kaili kissing Mommy
Kaili acting *cool* in Daddy's glasses
Kaili took this picture!
Mommy & Kaili petting stingrays
Chad & Angela petting stingrays
Kaili watching the dolphins underwater!
Kaili & Daddy looking at the manatees
We ate at the Shark Encounter... this is the view from our table at dinner.
Wayne's favorite party of Sea World, the Anheuser Busch Hospitality Center! ;)
Shamu show! Kaili loved this part!
The funniest thing! We saw a squirrel sneak out of the bushes, jump onto someone's stroller and start rummaging through their bag!! He pulled out a little baggie of fig newtons and took it back into the bushes with him! It was SO funny!!
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