Happy 1st Birthday Alana!!!
  Saturday, 14 July 2007
Our little baby girl is officially 1 year old now! I can't believe how fast this past year has gone by!
We took her out to breakfast for birthday pancakes with Ema, Epa & Elizabeth on the morning of her birthday. That evening she had cupcakes at her Nana & Papa's house! Her "official"party is on the 21st when she'll get to smash her cake! :)
At breakfast ~ Alana - how old are you?
Kaili was  VERY excited to give Alana the gift she picked out!
Alana opening her very first birthday present! :)
A "Pooh bear blankie" for Alana, just like Kaili's! (Alana always tried to take Kaili's from her!)
Alana's 1st cupcake! :)
Oh my gosh! Do you think this kid likes cupcakes? She couldnt eat it fast enough!!!! haha!
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