4th of July & baby update!
  Friday, 07 July 2006

Well folks... if all goes as planned, one week from today we'll be holding our newest addition to the family. My c-section is scheduled for next Friday, July 14th. We have to be at the hospital at 430am!

On the 4th of July this year, Wayne & I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary! It's amazing how fast time has gone by so far! We all headed down to the golf course to watch the Red, Hot & Boom fireworks from Crane's Roost w/o dealing with the crowd. Kaili LOVES fireworks this year! She got so excited!!!

And finally, Kaili started swim classes with my mom yesterday. Unfortunately they werent able to go in the pool due to really bad lightning and heavy rain. But we got the paperwork filled out and Kaili received her "Sharks & Minnows Swim School" shirt, which she thinks is really cool. We go tomorrow at noon for the next class!!

Here are some newer pictures to share with you for now!

Watching the fireworks at Crane's Roost from the golf course on July 3rd
4th of July... a big cheesy smile from silly Kaili
Family in the pool
The shuttle launch taken from our backyard on the 4th!
Swim class with Ema! Check out my cool shirt!!!!
Standing in front of the mirror so she can see herself...being cute for the camera!
After class, eating a lollipop on the couch with my cousin Christa
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