Memorial Day Weekend!
  Monday, 28 May 2007

Memorial Day Weekend was one of the best weekends we've had in awhile ~ at least I think so! ;) Saturday we went boating with Wayne's mom, Sunday we had a small cookout with some friends and their kids, Monday my parents came over and we spent the day relaxing by the pool and soaking up the sun. It was great! If only every day could be so relaxing!

Alana eating a cheetoh - haha!
Alana & Nana!
Yes, she's KNOWS she's cool!
We took a picture of ourselves! ;)
Driving the boat... look at her concentrating! haha!
Alana ~ exploring the boat, she found Nana's root beer!
We docked at the "Muddy Rudder" for lunch. Check out Alana's top teeth that are coming in!!
Being silly with a lemon!
Kaili, waiting for her lunch at the table..
Wayne @ lunch...
Kaili & Nana looking at the lizard running under the table

Mommy's turn to drive! :) Heading back home... CHEEESE! ;)

Fresh air makes for sleepy girls ~ Nana with 2 little sleepyheads
Pool Party/Cookout
Alana with her new friend Bobby! :)
Wayne, Chad, Bob
Lily, Ashlyn, Kaili
Lily & Kaili (pic came out too dark)
Memorial Day
Relaxing in the pool
Alana laughing because Kaili jumped into the baby pool!
Kaili playing in the yard
Big girl decided to put on some floaties and brave the big slide!! (Epa helping her up the ladder)
Thanks Chadaroonie for the watermelon!!! ;)
Alana's first watermelon - can you tell she was happy????
Alana's first watermelon and hotdog - can't get more American than that for Memorial Day, huh?
She loves to feed the dogs ~ here she is giving Gibson a chunk of watermelon
All done eating and ready to get out of that seat!!
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