Chuck E Cheese, Magic Kingdom, Firestation & Pool
  Friday, 26 May 2006

It has been pretty hectic around here lately. We've had tons of family events going on and in the meantime we've been trying to get ready for Alana's arrival - which is in EXACTLY seven weeks from today! I feel like we're running out of time to get ready!! I'll be 32 weeks pregnant tomorrow!

Last weekend we did a lot of running around. We took Kaili to the Magic Kingdom for her last visit to Disney World as an only child! Craziness! And Sunday we went to her cousins' birthday party at the firestation - her first time sitting in a firetruck! Also during the week we went to one of her little friend's birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese. Kaili has been a busy little girl this past week! Below is a link to the photos! Enjoy!

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