Mother's Day
  Sunday, 13 May 2007

Mother's Day was nice this year! It was special because it was my first time celebrating as a mommy to two beautiful girls! :) The day started out with us going out to breakfast with Wayne's parents. After we left from breakfast, the girls both fell asleep in the truck - so Wayne & I took advantage of the quiet time and just drove around town while they slept and held a conversation without anyone interuppting us mid-sentence! :) We came home for a bit and then headed out to meet my parents, my sister, my brother and his fiance, Christina, for a late lunch/early dinner.

Flowers for me in the kitchen when I woke up that morning...
Before breakfast in the little hotel lobby
After breakfast, the girls and Nana
Our little family :)
My silly girls
At dinner....
Seriously, this girl POSES for the camera - she really gets excited when you say "cheeeese"
Uncle Jon
Wayne's SUCH a dork (photo by Kaili!)
Sleepy girl
After lunch/dinner ~ outside
Christina, Jon, my mom, Elizabeth, me, Kaili, Wayne & Alana
Gorfine kids :)
My parents
Wayne & Alana
Kaili's "model" pose
She said, "I'll go crazy and you take my picture..." and here it is:
Then she said, "I'll jump up and down and you take my picture..."
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