Mother's Day Tea Party @ Kaili's School!
  Friday, 11 May 2007

Kaili's preschool class had a tea party today to celebrate Mother's Day. It was a "no sibling" party so I was able to get some nice one on one time with Kaili. My mother in law came over to visit with Alana at our house so I could attend the party. (Thank you, Janette!)

We had tea and cookies and everyone was dressed up. The girls had on dresses, the boys had on ties. Very sweet. Her teacher made a video slideshow of pictures from the whole school year, put to music which was very touching. Kaili has grown up SO much in this last year at school. As we ate our cookies and drank our tea (the kids had lemonade in their special tea cups) Kaili & I decorated our placemat with stickers.

Then the teacher passed out our gifts from the kids - a framed picture of Kaili that was decorated as a flower and a Mother's Day pin. There was also a card with her handprint on the front and a sweet note on the inside. We also recieved a paper flower - "My mommy is special because..." Some kids said "Because my mommy takes me shopping!" or "My mommy reads me a book!" or "My mommy bakes me cookies." Well, I was wondering what our crazy Kaili would come up with... you'll see in the pictures below! ;)

After all of that, we played musical chairs. The moms had to sit down and put our child on our lap when the music stopped. Out of about 14 pairs, Kaili & I got down to the final 3 and then we lost. But everyone got a lollipop so the kids were happy to lose! :)

Here are some pictures...

Kaili & I before we headed to the party (she didnt want to take a picture, she was ready to go!)

Kaili's "tea" ~ she took this picture herself actually!

Being goofy ~ putting stickers on the placemat
Kaili and some of her friends from school...
Drinking tea :)
The card (outside)
The inside...
Her flower, our placemat we made and the framed picture of Kaili all on the fridge...
Oh my gosh, she's so funny... I think someone's had a little too much leftover Easter candy (haha!)
Back home after the party and in our comfy clothes (what a look, huh?)
And of course, Alana. This is her looking backwards in the truck so that she can see the DVD screen! I think somebody will be VERY excited to start facing forward in the truck after her 1st bday in July!
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