Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!
  Wednesday, 03 May 2006

Today is my parent's 31st anniversary (and my 28th birthday as wel!l). Last year we threw a surprise 30th anniversary party and here it is a year later and Im JUST now getting the pictures up on CochranIsland! Shows you how busy things get around here! Click their wedding picture below to view the slide show of their 30th party pics! :) *edit: We're having technical difficulities with the slideshow of pictures from the party, check back in a day or 2 to see the photos!*

As for baby news ~ I met with the doctor who will perform my c-section and we scheduled a delivery for Friday, July 14th! That means we only have like 10 weeks and 2 days until the baby is born! I cant believe how SOON that is!! We have SO much work to do to get ready for her arrival!

28 week belly shot for those we haven't seen in awhile! Check out the pregnancy2 page for more!
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