Easter Egg Hunt & Baby #2 Update!
  Monday, 10 April 2006
  We've been incredibly busy so I haven't had much time to update CochranIsland lately. Over the weekend we took Kaili to a local Easter Egg Hunt. She had a great time! One of Kaili's little friends, Ashlyn, was there too which made it even more fun for her. Below are the pictures! As for baby #2, we're moving right along! We're preparing the house now for some work we're having done in about 2 weeks to make room for the new addition! We're really excited and I hope to post some before and after pictures once everything is completed. Kaili will be getting a new big girl room and we'll also be transitioning her to a twin bed from her crib! EEK! The new baby will be getting Kaili's old nursery. And Wayne will be getting his own little music room/office... in case he needs to get away from all us females of the house! ;)
Before the egg hunt (which was to the left behind the orange ropes)
Waiting with Daddy...
Oh my gosh! Look at all the eggs!
No eggs in my basket yet!
Finding eggs!
Gathering eggs with Ashlyn
This is fun!!!!
Ashlyn & Kaili looking at something during the egg hunt
Kaili smiling (and Ashlyn trying to open an egg!)
Check out my egg! Ya want one?
Kaili & Ashlyn waiting in line to turn in their eggs and get their bags of candy!
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