Disney World!
  Wednesday, 14 March 2007

My mother-in-law, Janette, and I took the girls to Disney World on Wednesday. Kaili had told me the night before that she really wanted to see Nemo, Ariel and Mickey Mouse. With it being Spring Break the lines were pretty long and there was a nice sized crowd, but we managed to make Kaili's wish come true. We started out at Animal Kingdom where we saw "Nemo, The Musical." I thought it was really great. And despite waiting in a non-moving line for an hour to see one of only 4 showings, Kaili and Alana seemed to enjoy it too! :)

After Animal Kingdom, we headed over to Magic Kingdom where I stood in line for over an hour with Alana in the "Meet Ariel" line. Janette & Kaili waited in line for Dumbo and met up with me in the Ariel line after they went on that ride. Kaili was excited to meet Ariel, but acted a little shy when it was time for photos.

And on our way out we caught part of the Mickey show in front of the castle. She was really excited about seeing Mickey! I bought her one of the ridiculously large lollipops since she was begging for it. I think she ate like 10% of the thing and told me she was done. ;)

Kaili with the dinosaurs in Dino-Land @ Animal Kingdom
On the dinosaur ride, it's like Dumbo but w/ dinosaurs - she told me that it was too loud (the air pumps when the ride lifts you up.)
Digging for dinosaur bones in Dino-Land
Nemo, The Musical! No photography at all was allowed, but you know I had to sneak a few without my flash on ;)
Fishy face for Nemo
At the end of the show - the actors taking a bow! We sat off to the side because I was worried Alana would get scared with it being dark. But she loved it!
Kaili & Nana waiting in line for Dumbo
Kaili & Nana meet up with me in line for Ariel. Can you tell Kaili was excited?
She got a peek of Ariel around the corner!
Alana was excited to meet Ariel too!!! ;)
Mommy & Alana in line for Ariel
Dont they look so happy waiting in line??? haha!
FINALLY! We get to see Ariel!!!!
Playing in the water @ Ariel's Grotto...
Weeeee! Kaili on the carousel! :)
Mickey in front of Cinderella's Castle
Happy to see Mickey!
Kaili & Nana on the Monorail ~ heading home!!
Tired Kaili talking to Daddy on the cell phone (still on the monorail)
Thanks for taking us to Disney, Nana!!! :)
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