Happy Valentine's Day!
  Tuesday, 14 February 2006

We had a nice Valentine's Day! Wayne & I went out the night before to celebrate (in hopes of beating the crowds) - my parent's watched Kaili so we could get away for a couple hours. We went out for fondue and then headed back to pick up the little one.

Kaili made Wayne a cereal bowl from Glaze Under Fire for Valentine's Day! If you'd like to see all the pictures from her making the bowl and giving it to Wayne, then click here! :)

After dinner tonight Wayne asked Kaili if she wanted a special "Valentine's Day" milkshake. Of COURSE she said yes! And she told him she wanted a CHOCOLATE one too! Little monkey! So he left and came back with some shakes. Below are some photos of Kaili enjoying her chocolate milkshake before bedtime, wearing her heart PJs that her PopPop bought for her. :)

Saying "CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!!!!" for the camera - too much sugar??
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