Bud Shootout '07 ~ NASCAR!
  Saturday, 10 February 2007

Wayne & I went to the Bud Shootout in Daytona on Saturday with a bunch of friends! :) It was my first time going to a NASCAR race and I have to say that it was a total blast! We had SO much fun!! We tailgated all day and then the race started around 830pm. Those cars FLY by! It's amazing to see it in person! SO different from when you see it on TV. You're much closer to the cars than I imagined! ...And when I say we tailgated, Im talking grillin' on a camping grill, using the bed of Wayne's pickup truck as a table, sitting in camping chairs in a big field full of trucks, drinking canned beer and using porta potties in 50-60º weather. I cant wait to go again next year! Haha!

If you have the chance to go to a race, DO IT! :)

Wayne & me after we parked around noon - not long after this the whole area behind us was packed with trucks and everyone was tailgating!
Angela, Justin & Kelly
Chad checking on the burgers!
Mike holding up the center of the canopy while the other guys figure out how to stake it in the ground!
How many guys does it take to put up a $15 canopy? I guess more than 5 because they weren't able to make it work. LOL!
The famous burger. Wayne's jalepeno BBQ burgers (he was up til 3am pattying these things for the race!) They were a huge hit though! :)
Enjoying his work! :)
Mike and a "wayne-burger"  hee hee!
Our *kitchen* for the day! :)
Half way through the day we walked over to the trailers where they had all the driver's merchandise and vendors selling food, drinks, etc.
Angela, me & Kelly in front of the Anheuser Busch Clydesdales!
Chad & Angela
Kelly's dream truck!!
Wayne in front of Matt Kenseth's trailor!
Chad in front of Kevin Harvick's trailor!
Heading back for more tailgating!
Back at the truck for more tailgating after the sun went down! Jeremy, Chad, Wayne, Gary
Chad & Wayne (excuse the red-eye from my camera!)
Jeremy & Wayne
Our group headed to the race from the trucks! (Justin was doing that pose on purpose, but my favorite thing in this picture is Kelly ~ with her 20 layers of clothing & gloves on in 50º weather, downing a beer while she's walking and she's got a spare beer in her other hand!!) LOL!
What's up DAWG!
Chad, Angela, Wayne & me walking to the race with our coolers! Can you tell I was excited?!?
Me & Kelly while we're waiting to go into the race!
View from our seats before the race started ~ the three lights in the sky are people parachuting down to the start/finish line part of the speedway
First lap w/ the pace car ~ this picture is without using the zoom on my camera. I couldn't believe how good we could see the whole track!
Wayne & me during the race!
Kelly & me listening in on Dale Earnhardt Jr's car with their scanner!
Mike listening in...
Mike & Kelly @ the race!
Chad & Angela at the race!
Justin @ the race!
Kelly & I like taking pictures of ourselves ~ even when we're tired. LOL! :)
Final stretch! Tony Stewart wins the race!
These are for Bob...   :)
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