Our girls!
  Monday, 02February 2007

Kaili practicing riding her bike on the trail!

Doing great!!
Getting better!
Not a great picture, but the only one of Kaili having her first Starbucks drink (after our trip to the trail.) The guys working there made her some apple cider, over ice, with a little whipped cream and drizzled with caramel!! Oh boy! She called it her "special apple drink!"
Wayne and his girls! It started with just Alana on his lap, then Kaili had to climb up too... And of course Angel was soon to follow. :)
Look!! I can sit up now!! YAY!!! Mommy props me up near the corner though because she's scared Im going to fall backwards and bump my head! (Watching Kaili)
I must be teething! This toy sure tastes GOOD!
Im getting BIG!!!! Chubby cheeks! Pretty soon I'll be chasing Kaili!!! :)
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