Ultrasound & Manatee Festival
  Wednesday, 01 February 2006

As always, we've been really busy lately! The most recent news is that we went for another ultrasound on Monday. Although it won't be confirmed until Feb. 20th, the tech said she believes we're having another little girl! The 4D images look a little weird. They warned us that at this point in pregnancy babies tend to look a bit alien-like, which was true, but it was still amazing to see the baby kicking and moving all around. We brought a VHS tape and they recorded about an hour worth of u/s footage for us.

In other news, Kaili is growing like crazy and seems to understand a little more about a baby coming. She had been acting a little unsure around babies for a bit, but last night we went to dinner with some co-workers and she was thrilled to be sitting in a highchair next to a little one under a year old. She kept touching his hand and smiling at him and calling him "nice baby." I asked her if she wanted a baby at home and she said "YEAH!!!" with much enthusiasm. It was so cute! She also comes up and rubs my tummy and says "baby."

Over the weekend we took Kaili to the Manatee Festival at Blue Springs. She really had a good time! There was a frisbee catching dog show going on that we watched for a bit. She stood up on the bleachers, to get a good view, and she'd clap whenever one of the dogs would catch a frisbee. Then we headed over to the springs to see the manatees. There were a good amount of them there, closer to the river. I think that its getting too warm now and they are getting ready to head more north for the year. We walked up the boardwalk to see the main spring and then walked back down. Kaili spotted the playground as soon as it was in view and she ran over to the slides and the swings to play. It was her first time actually sitting by herself in a bigger swing - she LOVED it!

15 weeks 2 days - ultrasound pictures, heart rate: 159bpm (click image for larger view)
  Manatee Festival Pics
(Watching the DisConnected Dogs)
At the Springs with Daddy
With Mommy
Chasing Daddy down the boardwalk
Manatees (the big grey spots in the water, center one coming up for air)
Mom and baby manatee!
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