Alana's 3rd Birthday!!
  Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Alana is three years old now! I cant believe it! When I asked her what kind of birthday party she wanted to have I expeceted her to say princesses, Tinkerbell, rainbows and flowers. But nope, our little girl wanted a DINOSAUR party! I told her that if that's what she wanted, then that's what we'd do! :) For her actual birthday, which was on a Tuesday, we took her out to dinner to the T-Rex Cafe out at Downtown Disney! If you havent been there, it's really cool. Think Rainforest Cafe, but with DINOSAURS! She went to summer camp at her preschool that day and we had lilac cupcakes made by Publix and they put dinosaurs on top for her! :) She was really excited to share those with her friends at school. On Saturday, the 18th, we had a dinosaur party at our house with family and a few friends of the girls. Thanks to everyone who celebrated her 3rd birthday with us!

Alana's dinosaur cupcakes for school!
Opening her presents from Mommy, Daddy, Kaili & Baby Wayne (before we went to dinner)
Kaili, Mommy and the birthday girl!
Alana, when she realized where we were going for her birthday dinner!
The big T-Rex when you first enter the restaurant. We sat in the room behind him and when he would stand up straight his tail would come down above our table. Alana was a little nervous about that and would say, "Aghhh!! He's going to sit on me!!!" LOL!
The other big dinosaur by our table...
Alana's dessert - she liked that they all came out to sing "Happy Birthday" to her! :)
Little Wayne checking out the giant T-Rex behind our table! LOL
Mommy and Alana! (and Wayne in the background!! I dont know why he's really not in any pics!)
Epa and the girls inside the ice room!

The cool bar...

After dinner the girls got to make their own dinosaurs at the Build-A-Dino store next to the restaurant, thank you Ema & Epa!! ;) Here they are waiting in line to stuff their dinos! :)
Picking out a heart to put inside the dinos!
Alana, talking to the lady who was helping her stuff the dinosaur!
So excited about her new dino buddy!
The girls!
Our family of 5 after dinner in front of the waterfall outside of the T-Rex Cafe. We couldnt use a flash because it reflected off of the waterfall's mist too much. But you get the idea... ;)
Kaili and Alana with their new dinosaurs in a box!
Outfit your little crew today!