Disney World!
  Sunday, 28 June 2009

Thank you to Nana for getting us into Disney World! :) The girls had a great time! What a fun surprise!

Here is our whole family at Magic Kingdom (then baby Wayne went home with Nana because it was so hot out!) But technically this is his first trip to Disney! Last time we visited I was pregnant with him! :)
The girls all excited about being at Disney, while riding on the tram to the Ferryboat! I think baby Wayne was really confused... LOL!
Nana, Wayne and baby Wayne on the Ferry
Our little cutie pie getting a kiss from Mommy and giggling at Nana on the Ferryboat ride over to the Magic Kingdom
Alana checking out things in one of the shops along Mainstreet. It was SO hot out that day, so we'd stroll through the stores to cool off!
Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse
We found Aladdin & Jasmine!
Alana was a little shy when they were asking her questions, so Kaili was telling her what to say... LOL
Riding on "It's a Small World..."
We were all so hot and sweaty that day! Wayne & Alana waiting in line for the Buzz Lightyear ride
Still waiting! (Kaili took this picture, LOL, Alana was getting sleepy)
Kaili & Wayne on the Tea-Cups
Outside of Mickey's house - standing by his mailbox
Alana was shocked by the pumpkins in Mickey's garden!!
Meeting Mickey Mouse! Alana's FAVORITE part of the day, by FAR! She didnt want to leave him!
After meeting Mickey, Alana finally fell asleep in the stroller so Wayne & Kaili rode on the race-cars. He even let her drive ;)
Mommy & Kaili
Alana woke up and had some Mickey Ice-Cream!
Awww, poor Eeyore! (Waiting in line for the Pooh ride!)
Waiting for the parade to start - they put hula hoops out on the street to keep the kids occupied
Evening Light Parade ~ Cinderella and Prince Charming waving to us! :)
The girls sporting their new Mickey Ears!
Outfit your little crew today!