Kaili PreK Graduation... and more pics
  Friday, 29 May 2009

Kaili has officially graduated from Pre-K and starts Kindergarten in the Fall! How exciting!! Last night was the Pre-K graduation ceremony and she was SOOO excited about their *secret* performances. They ended up doing a surfer/beach theme and the dances and songs they did were really adorable! We were able to snag a whole front row section for the family and Kaili was really proud to see us sitting so close. I cant believe she is done with Pre-School, time flies!!!

Before we left for the show, Kaili was showing me some of her *secret* dance moves! ;)
4th generation... Before the cermony started, Baby Wayne ooh-ing and ahh-ing to Pop-Pop, his proud GREAT-grandpa!!
Walking down the aisle to the stage one-by-one, the kids had on beach hats w/ their names printed on them, sunglasses, sunscreen on their noses and they were doing the *swim* -- here's Kaili gettin' down as she passed our row! ;)
Surf's Up!!
Wearing her graduation cap, waiting for her name to get called! :) Our big girl!!
Walking up to the Pre-School Director, Ms. Karen, to get her diploma on stage!
Class of 2009!! Kaili (2nd in, top right) and all of her classmates :)
After the ceremony everyone went back to the Pre-K room for treats! My mom stuck baby Wayne next to Alana so we could get a quick picture of all three kiddos!! (Alana was more interested in her chocolate cookie! haha!)


Me and my girls!! (Alana looking the other way...)
Ema & Epa w/ Kaili & Alana (Alana being goofy... do you notice the trend?)
Our little family! :) (Hey Alana, over HERE! LOL!)
Kaili & Ms. Sonya
Kaili & Ms. Chrissy
Today (the day after graduation) all of the moms and kids from Pre-K had a graduation party at the Splash Park in Lake Mary. Kaili had a blast!!
Kaili & her buddy, Sky, climbing on the rock mountain!
All of the kids waiting on some graduation cake :)
And here is some randomness from the past week of our crew... My little sweetie pie playing in his crib!
Trying cereal for the first time!!
FINALLY they give me some REAL food around here!! ( *wink*)
Watch out Lebron James ~ Alana's got game! ;)
Get away from my beer you sneaky dog!!
Kaili on the underwater camera!
This girl loves to jump into the water!!
Outfit your little crew today!