April 2009 Photos
  Tuesday, 21 April 2009

April has been a crazy month so far! Here are some photos with what we've been up to!

Baby Wayne is almost 4 months old now! He has been rolling from tummy to back and back to tummy for about a month now. He has really great head/neck strength and he likes to push up while on his belly and look around. He also grabs things (like his sister's hair, haha!) and little toys you put in front of him. He's growing SO fast now! And what a cutie!
We took our kids and their cousin, Thalia, to a strawberry patch to pick strawberries! Alana wasnt feeling very well that weekend, but she had fun for a little bit!
Kaili loved it!
Thalia, Kaili, Alana & baby Wayne at Uncle Pappy's Strawberry Patch!
At Pop-Pop's house celebrating Wayne's bday and PopPop's bday!
Me, Jon & Elizabeth
Wayne & me w/ baby Wayne (who was passed out on his daddy's chest, haha!)
Me and the family
Wayne & me with PopPop & Janice
Easter ~ Alana hunting for Easter eggs after swimming in the pool
Kaili and her basket of eggs after swimming too! :)
Wayne Sr and Wayne III
The Cochrans
Kaili jumping into the pool w/ excitement!
Wayne being silly w/ the deck jets
Alana in the hospital for a CT Scan after hitting her head on the french doors :( She was throwing up constantly that day and still wanted to smile for a picture. She was NOT feeling well that day.
When we got home from the hospital these guys were walking around our driveway. The girls love when these birds stop by (which is usually after a big rainstorm!)
Outfit your little crew today!