PreSchool Christmas Program ~ MMO
  Thursday, 18 December 2008

Kaili & Alana had their Christmas program on Thursday night. It was held in the chapel of the church and they both did great! Kaili looked so grown up and Alana was excited to be on stage. I was worried she'd be shy, but COMPLETELY the opposite. Both girls were SO into the singing and dancing. Alana was too funny getting into Jingle Bells. Kaili was really into the clapping during "Go Tell It On The Mountain!"

Kaili walking down the aisle w/ a candle during the PreK class portion...
Kaili and her class singing - Kaili was in the back row, to the right of the center in the red shirt.
Alana on stage with the 2's class... she has on the green dress with the silver shoes :)
Alana dancing
After the show, the kids all went back to their classrooms for cookies and punch - and we could pick them up there. Here they are eating their cookies...
Family Pose (Alana was more interested in her cookie...)
Outfit your little crew today!