Update! (Pics ~ New Smyrna Beach)
  Tuesday, 07 October 2008

We have been so busy over the last month that I havent updated much! I actually havent added a lot of pictures from the summertime yet so Im trying to catch up! I'm 27 weeks today in the pregnancy. My last week in the 2nd trimester! WOW! I cant believe in 2 1/2 months we'll have another baby! It's going by so quickly. The pictures I am adding today are from our weekend stay at New Smyrna Beach. My parents stayed at the beachhouse for a full week during the summer and we went over for a weekend visit while they were there. The girls had a great time!

Alana playing in the water
Kaili too!
The girls watching the waves
Jumping waves
Alana & me
Kaili on the porch of the beach house ~ taking a break and watching the water
Kaili & Epa walking down to the beach together
Alana pretending to surf while Epa comes back in from the water with his board
Our future little surfer girl! ;)
Kaili still having fun in the water!
Wayne & me
Alana & Epa walking together
Wayne & I took the girls down to the beach at sunrise to collect sea shells!
The girls getting shells as the sun comes up!
Wayne on the beach at sunrise
Outfit your little crew today!