Fay Fay Go AWAY!
  Thursday, 21 August 2008

Tropical Storm Fay is hanging around all week. We're into our third day of rain and windy and more rain. The pool is overflowing. We've had some bamboo snap. And the canopy/canvas roof of the girls playset outback has ripped off. Thankfully we'll be ok and we're not in a *flood zone* so our home will be ok too. But it's just crazy that Fay is stationary and just spinning and spinning these bands of squally weather at us for so long. She's supposed to go out to the ocean and come back in just North of us, so I have a feeling this rain and wind will continue into the weekend.

Kaili asked me why God wants it to rain "so much all of the time." She's quite annoyed that we havent been able to go swimming this week and that my answer every time she asks is "we can't go swimming because it's raining." LOL!

Fay's Path (if she decides to start moving again) I think they need to update this graphic because she hasnt moved and I dont see how she can get to that spot north of us by 2pm today.
Our local radar
Outfit your little crew today!