14 week ultrasound!
  Thursday, 10 July 2008

We had another ultrasound yesterday. Everything is ok, but it was an unscheduled ultrasound. We saw the baby moving all around. Definitely an active little one! It never gets old seeing your baby on an ultrasound and it was just so cool to see little finger and toe bones and see the baby's arms moving all around. My next appt is 4 weeks away so it was nice to see the baby again.

The most surprising thing is that we might be having a boy after all! The 12 week was an early guess, but this time, before the tech said anything, I saw what I thought were boy parts! How crazy! And then she told me her guess is a boy! And I might have to agree with her. I am 14 weeks, 2 days. At 15 weeks it was clearly a girl with Alana. So we will have to wait 6 more weeks to know for sure! :) It is so exciting to me and I cant wait to find out! The heart rate was 159 bpm...

Ultrasound at 14 weeks. For more info, see our Baby #3 page!
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