Matt Kenseth's Car!
  Monday, 30 June 2008

We heard that the Dewalt trailer and one of Matt Kenseth's cars would be at a Home Depot by our house. Since he's our favorite driver (especially Kaili's!!) I took the girls up there today to check it out! It was really cool seeing one of his cars up close. As soon as we pulled into the Home Depot parking lot Kaili started yelling "17's car! 17's car! Look Mommy! Look! I see it!" It was so funny! She was definitely excited! Here are a couple of pictures! Wayne came by on his lunch break while we were there since it's just a few minutes from his office.

Notice Kaili's shirt? We were out shopping one day and she spotted this shirt hanging on a wall display. It's not even a Matt Kenseth shirt. Just a random girls' shirt at a store w/ 17 on it. She was so excited to see a pink 17 shirt that she begged me to buy it for her. She insisted that Daddy would think it was "soooo cool!" (and he did! LOL!)
Kaili, Wayne, me and sleeping Alana
This is just a random one this week of Alana. The little stinker. I went into Kaili's room to find that Alana had dumped out several toy bins... colored on her arm with pink marker... spilled chocolate milk on her dress and opened up a newspaper and threw the pages everywhere. In a matter of minutes!! She is my little tazmanian devil. When I went to take a picture of her mess this is how she looked at me...
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