12 Weeks!
  Tuesday, 24 June 2008

We had the 12 week ultrasound yesterday. Today I am 12 weeks! It's flying by this time! At the ultrasound the nurse told us that she believes we are having another GIRL! Poor Wayne! ;) He is going to be surrounded by girls! Actually she said it's about 85% on the GIRL. So there is a 15% chance she could be wrong. We have another ultrasound in 8 weeks so we will know for sure at that point! ;)

Kaili & Alana came to the ultrasound appt with us and Kaili was amazed at seeing the baby. She kept holding my arm and telling me that she really likes my baby. She even got her own copy of an ultrasound picture and she was so excited to show her teacher and friends when she got to school. Last night she hugged me and then kissed my tummy and said "Goodnight little baby!" It was so cute and such surprise to me!

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