Boating with Chad & Angela
  Friday, 02 May 2008
Last Saturday we took the boat up the river with Chad & Angela! The weather was beautiful and the day was great! On the way back in we saw cops and news reporters at Highbanks Marina due to a boating accident that didnt end well. Luckily, we were coming through after the fact. We also saw TONS of gators. Maybe it's mating season? Whatever it is, there were a bunch of them...
Kaili taught Alana to stick her tongue out so now she thinks its funny to do this...
Sisterly love...
Gator #1...
Gator #2...
Gator #3...
See that log behind Kaili?
The log close up... Yep, another gator!
Chilling in the bow... her favorite place to stretch out...
At Hontoon Park...
The girls eating ice cream that Chad bought them! Thanks Chad!
Mommy and Kaili up in the fort part of the playground.
Kaili and Angela
Kaili took this picture of Chad with my camera
Chad being silly. He asked if he could sit on Wayne's lap and drive the boat like Kaili. LOL! Wayne didnt find it amusing, but the rest of us did! ;)
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