Spring Break...
  Friday, 18 April 2008
We've been so busy - it ha's been almost a month since I've updated Cochran Island. I took the week off of Spring Break since Kaili was out of school. Wayne had to work so it was fun to spend the whole week doing things with the girls. Here are a few pictures of what we spent our time doing. :) Enjoy!
The Sanford Zoo ~ The girls LOVE the new water play area!
Elizabeth & Kaili on the zoo train
Elizabeth & Kaili on the carousel
The Orlando Science Center...
Kaili driving a race simulator in the NASCAR exhibit!
Kaili & Elizabeth putting a car up on the track for a mini NASCAR race


Alana changing a tire! ;)
Kaili & Alana at the "Orange Groves"
Elizabeth petting an endangered Eastern Indigo snake
Kaili gets brave!!
These pieces have velcro on it and you make a path for a ping pong ball to travel through...
Kaili and a Tyranosaurus Rex at the Dinosaur exhibit!
Me & the girls in front of another dinosaur
Visiting Cricket, Dallas, Boston & Asher...
We visited one of my high school friends and her 3 boys during Spring Break. The girls had a BLAST playing over there!
Playing outside at home...
Wayne had bought this garden wagon to use for moving big plants and bricks around the yard. The girls have the BEST time playing with this thing. Kaili will pull Alana around forEVER. And Alana just loves riding in it! Kaili runs FAST too! Alana says "Weeeeee"
Playing at the softball park after Elizabeth's game
She's getting SOOOO big! It's going by too fast! :(
And our new boat decal!! Check out my site www.BoatingBaby.com if you havent already! :)
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