Happy Valentine's Day!! (part 2)
  Thursday, 14 February 2008
Valentine's Day was great! Wayne surprised us with gifts that morning. Alana got a big red heart balloon which she LOVED! Kaili got a soft pink Dora bathrobe! And Mommy got a big bottle of Dolce & Gabbana's Light Blue perfume! (It's a great smelling perfume if you are looking for something new to wear! Very light and sweet like Clinique's Happy...) Wayne got a new leather jacket that night that he had picked out from Dillards. He's been wanting one FOREVER. So now he's happy too. :)
Kaili had a Valentine's Day party at school and then came home with TONS of candy. That afternoon she had soccer practice. We kept up our little family tradition of having Tijuana Flats for dinner on Valentine's Day ~ the girls LOVE their queso. :)
Kaili and her new bathrobe!
Not the best pic of the girls, but the only one I got of them together on V-day
Soccer Practice on V-Day (Kaili is in red)
Wayne & Alana (watching a plane go by as the sun was setting during soccer practice)
Alana and her quesadillas...
Kaili with a mouth full of nachos!
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