Boating pics!
  Tuesday, 05 February 2008
On Sunday (Super Bowl Sunday!) we took the boat out on the river for a run! We had to put in at Lake Monroe Marina since our *favorite* ramp was already full at 10am. Probably because it was a BEAUTIFUL day here in Florida (about 75-80º in February!) We picked up my grandfather at the ramp we love (he was able to park there since their boat trailer parking was the only part that was full.) We headed up the river, had some lunch at this tiny hole in the wall place that was REALLY good and REALLY inexpensive. Our original lunch destination had no slips open since they were having a Super Bowl Pre-Party. After lunch we headed back down the river and stopped at Hontoon Island State Park so the girls could stretch their legs and play at the park. PopPop bought everyone icecream. And then we headed back home, We got him back to his ramp JUST in time. The lady was locking up the gates as he left the parking lot. We got back to the marina to our ramp as the sun was setting. It was BEAUTIFUL going across Lake Monroe as the sun was going down! :)
Enjoy the pictures!!
*NOTE: Click the bottom right corner of each photo to view the next image in the slideshow. Click the bottom left corner to view the previous photo!*
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