Gingerbread House
  Tuesday, 09 January 2008
My parents and my sister went up to New England the week after Christmas. They brought the girls back a gingerbread house kit. Kaili was VERY excited. I helped her put it together, but tried to let her do most of it. She was very proud of the finished product and she couldn't WAIT to show Wayne when he got home from work. Or maybe she couldn't wait to eat it because I told her she could eat a piece after Daddy saw it! ;)
The roof with her name on it ~ as requested!
A side window with candy cane sprinkles...
The other side of the house. Kaili made the doors out of the Andes mints and she said that the doors "HAVE" to have door knobs (so we used some icing)
The other window (with Smarties)
Proud of her work! ;) (Notice her Hershey Kiss chimney?)
And once Wayne was home, she was ready to try it out! And if you know Kaili (aka our little chocolate monster) you know she went straight for that Hershey Kiss!!
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