Happy New Year!
  Tuesday, 01 January 2008
Happy New Year to all of you!! May 2008 be the best year yet for you! :)
Some of our fireworks from the backyard...
Wayne and his mortars... hey, I have to give him credit, they did look really cool!
And he's damn proud of them! HAHA!
Although Kaili thought the fireworks were WAY too loud! (Silly Thalia with scared Kaili & Ashlyn)
Ringing in the New Year (yes, they were STILL awake!) and drinking sparkling grape juice!
Wayne & me at midnight...
Tausha & Fred at midnight
Mike & Kelly at midnight!
Kelly & me
This girl would NOT go to sleep as long as her friends were still there.
Alana catching some bubbles before she headed off to bed! She had been eating Cheetohs! :)
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