Favorite Park...
  Tuesday, 29 January 2008
We've been visiting the girls' favorite park a lot lately. Probably because Wayne & I keep driving through the neighborhood we like, to see if any houses have popped up for sale. ;) The park just happens to be part of said neighborhood. Kaili actually calls this place "my park" now. "Are we going to my park today?" Here are a couple of pictures from the last 2 weekends we've been there...
This kid is so darn fast. I was trying to take a picture of Alana smiling at me and by the time I picked up my camera she was running again. She's QUICK!
Kaili was pretty scared to go down the "really big slide." Don't you love her expression?!?!? It was a fast slide too!!! ;)
Alana going down a smaller slide.
I can't get over how fast she is growing! She's not a *baby* anymore!! :( And yeah, she's majorly drooling right now. Some of her molars are coming in.
A self-pic by Kaili. She likes to take the camera and take pictures of her face. HA!
Another day at the park... Ready to brave the big slide again...
Alana goes on the big slide (well from halfway anyway)
Chillin' in the swing - her favorite thing to do lately. She totally zones out! It's so funny!
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