New Summer Photos!
  Friday, 19 AUGUST 2005
  It has been almost a month since I've updated Cochran Island. I apologize! We have been so
  incredibly busy these last few weeks. We're so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and
  family members locally, but it makes for a lot of busy, busy weekends. Here is a slideshow of
  our summer so far. I'm sure there will be tons more to come! This is just a glimpse at what we've
  been up to in the last month alone!!


  As for Kaili, well she is really becoming a big girl. She's talking more and more every day!
  I can't believe she'll be 2 in just 3 short months. She loves playing with other children now
  and she's slowly coming out of her shell when it comes to socializing.
Looking for previous
daily photos? Check
them out on our
archives page!