22 JUNE 2004

It's been over a month since I have had the time to sit down and update this site. All of your emails asking for new pictures finally got my attention, so here are the photos as requested!! Kaili is crawling everywhere now and keeping me on my toes at all times. She said "mama" and "baba" over Father's Day Weekend! Now she's babbling up a storm - guess she'll be a talker like her Daddy! Uh-oh! Let's see here...other baby things that have gone on over the past month? She pulls herself up to stand in the crib, in the pack-n-play, on our legs, on big toys, really anything that will support her weight. We think she'll be walking sooner than later...but hopefully not too soon! She's already a handful! Have a look...

  Laughing at Daddy (part 1) Laughing at Daddy (part 2)