  Monday, 06 JUNE 2005
This past weekend we took a little road trip down to Miami to visit with our friends Mo & Carlos
  and their daughter Alex. We also went down to check out the "South Florida Boat Show."
We got to cruise down Ocean Drive - Mo & Carlos gave us a mini-tour of South Beach
as we drove through. We ate lunch at Monty's in Coconut Grove which was on the water.
It was so much fun! Our friend Caryn came from Ft Lauderdale that night to hang out for
awhile and to have some drinks. The next day we went to Sawgrass Mills and had lunch at
  the Cheesecake Factory and headed home. There were SO many stores at this place. I wish
  we had more time to stroll around there but we had to get home. All in all it was a really great
weekend! Kaili and Alex played together so well! It seemed like they were always following
  each other around everywhere and disappearing sometimes to get into trouble. ;)
  Alex at Monty's...
  Kaili sleeping at Monty's (look at that belly!!)
  The girls in the back of our truck after a long day out.
Wayne & Kaili in the pool
  Carlos & Alex and Wayne & Kaili in the pool
  Kaili & Alex going down the slides at the park
  Alex on the slide
  Alex & Kaili at the Cheesecake Factor (dont you love Alex's expression!!)
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