11 MAY 2004
  I cant believe it's been a half of a year since this little angel came into our lives... In 6 short months we'll be celebrating her 1st birthday! My how she has grown since November 11th! We went to her 6 month doctor's appointment today and it went as well as always. Kaili is now 27 1/4 inches long and a healthy 19lbs 4oz. She's in the 95% percentile for both height and weight! She did get 3 more shots, but aside from her mean glances as the shots were being administered she did really well. Here are some photos from her 6th month of life which has been filled with many *firsts* for her. A few of these *firsts* include: going out on the Regal down the river, going to Sea World, sitting in a highchair at a restaraunt, sitting up without support, standing up while holding onto something, eating peas & apples and finally, getting up on all fours in preparation to crawl! What an exciting month this little monkey has experienced! We love her so much!