02 MAY 2004
  As one of my birthday presents this year, Wayne got us annual passes to Sea World. Kaili has been amazed by the sea animals on her Baby Einstein DVD, "Baby Neptune," so we had a feeling she would get a kick out of seeing the real thing. We were right! She was staring wide-eyed at everything! Even during the loud shows she never got upset or cranky. After one of the indoor perfomances (similar to Cirque du Soleil) the performers came down off stage for photos and asked to hold her because they thought she was so cute! She did fall asleep right before the Shamu show, but that's the only thing she missed - It wasn't even a full show because one of the whales recently had a baby. They did a 15 minute training show instead. I won Kaili 2 stuffed animals at the game arcade area and then we all had lunch at the Anheuser-Busch hospitality center (gotta love the free beer samples, hee hee!) It was a great day and I can't wait for the next time we go! Hopefully in another week or two! Now if she would just get big enough for the rollercoasters...