03 JAN 2005

I can't believe that it has been almost 4 months since I have last updated this website! I'm SUCH a slacker! Well, maybe I'm just a busy mom now. :)
Kaili has changed so much since her pumpkin patch adventure that was last shown here. She has turned a year old, enjoyed her second Thanksgiving, her second Christmas and slept right through New Year's Eve, again. She met Mickey Mouse at Disney World on her birthday...she ate some cake at her party...she has been a busy little girl! So, as one of my many New Year's Resolutions, I'm going to try to post a single new picture daily on this page. I hope this will be something new and exciting for you all to enjoy as well! Here are a handful of pictures to kick off my new routine! I have to get you caught up before starting up the daily pics! :)

Happy New Year everyone!