Easter Sunday
The goodies left by the Easter Bunny...
Our little tradition is to leave the Easter Bunny some carrot cake cupcakes that we bake, but this year we ran out of time and had to buy some mini carrot cakes ...He liked them nonetheless! :)
We made poor Kaili (who just woke up) wait in her doorway while we checked to see if the Easter Bunny had come by and to be ready with the camera. She wasnt very happy about waiting a few minutes!
WOW!!!! (in shock??)
YAY! Eggs with chocolate M&Ms in them (just like she asked for!)
Alana & Daddy checking out her goodies!
Breaking into the candy @ 8am! EEK!
The girls with their stuff....
They're fighting over sharing things already, lol!
This was Kaili's way of keeping her stuff away from Alana (ha ha!)
The egg hunt!!
It's blurry because she was RUNNING!
Found one under the slide!
Everyone hunting for eggs!
I found an egg!!
The kids decorating cookies!
Kaili and more M&M's = trouble!
Alana ate noodles while everyone decorated cookies! ;)
Music :)
The brick area Wayne made :)